Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Little Advocacy

Dear Baltimore County Police and County Executive,

I recently read the following article:
"Pedestrian accidents, especially fatal ones, are way up in Baltimore County"
If correctly reported, this article highlights how poorly the Baltimore County Police understand MD law as it relates to bicyclists and pedestrians.

We should all know that everyone over the age of 16 is not required to wear a helmet when either bicycling or walking on MD roads. (thank goodness) Also, the state law allowing bicyclists and all other vehicles access to the full lane has been clearly stated for decades.
8 dead so far this year and the voice from BC Police is to blame the vulnerable for these incidents? What a sad way to treat our Marylanders. There must be a more sensitive and constructive way of approaching this, don't you think?
The only thing that scares me more than being hit from behind by a well-meaning, but inattentive driver, is imagining Chief James Johnson explaining fault to my wife.
-Bob Wagner, a Marylander, a Baltimore citizen and a long-time bicycle commuter.